The Lowndes High School Engineering and Technology Program is pleased to announce they have earned Industry Certification. This GaDOE, UGA, and ITEEA certification is a stamp of excellence, which represents the apex of program quality. The certification is based on a rigorous set of standards including teacher credentials and training, the Technology Student Association (TSA) activities, financial management, tools and equipment, community and advisory involvement, curriculum and instruction, facilities, and safety. Only those programs that have successfully undergone rigorous reviews, safety inspections, and examination of student work by leaders from business and industry are recognized with this distinction.
A special thanks go to so many individuals and industry partners who invest time and expertise into the program to bring constant improvement and relevancy to students.
Pictured: Lena Sumner-President LHS TSA, Tammy Wallace-Advisory-Wallace Truck & Equipment, Pooja Dayarathna-VP LHS TSA, John Newton-Mentor CTEARN, Runi Patel-Secretary LHS TSA, Greg Terry-Advisory-Ace Electric, Mrs. Anastasia Croft-Enginering Instructor, Horace Walker-LHS Assistant Principal, Dr. Matt North-Engineering Instructor, Daniel Thompson-LHS TSA Sgt at Arms, Daren Horner-LHS TSA Treasurer, Dr. Cloise Williams-Lowndes CTAE Director, Krista Pearson-LHS Principal, Justin Wright-Advisory-Saft America, Robbie Dixon-Advisory-ATT